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3 search results for Tamarindus indica in .
No.Vernacular NamesTaxonHandbook VolumeThumbnail PreviewLink
1Pokeweed (En). Vietnam: th[uw][ow]ng l[uj]c.Phytolacca12(1): Medicinal and poisonous plants 1
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2Tamarind, Indian tamarind (En). Tamarinier (Fr). Indonesia: asam, asam jawa, tambaring. Malaysia: asam jawa. Philippines: sampalok (Tagalog), kalamagi (Bisaya), salomagi (Ilokano). Burma: magyee, majee-pen. Cambodia: 'âm'pül, ampil, khoua me. Laos: khaam, mak kham. Thailand: makham (general), bakham (northern), somkham (peninsular). Vietnam: me, trai me.Tamarindus indica2: Edible fruits and nutsTamarindus indica L. - flowering and fruiting branch
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3Chinaberry, Persian lilac, pride of India (En). Indonesia: gringging, mindi (Java), marambung (Sumatra). Malaysia: mindi kecil. Philippines: paraiso, balagañgo (Tagalog), bagaluñga (Bisaya). Singapore: mindi kechil. Cambodia: dâk' hiën, sdau khmaôch. Laos: h'ienx, kadau s'a:ngz. Thailand: lian, lian-baiyai (central), khian (northern). Vietnam: c[aa]y xoan, xoan d[aa]u, s[aaf]u d[oo]ng.Melia azedarach11: Auxiliary plantsMelia azedarach L. - 1, habit; 2, leaf; 3, flowering branch; 4, section through flower; 5, infructescence
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